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who had learned

  • 1 Stephenson, George

    b. 9 June 1781 Wylam, Northumberland, England
    d. 12 August 1848 Tapton House, Chesterfield, England
    English engineer, "the father of railways".
    George Stephenson was the son of the fireman of the pumping engine at Wylam colliery, and horses drew wagons of coal along the wooden rails of the Wylam wagonway past the house in which he was born and spent his earliest childhood. While still a child he worked as a cowherd, but soon moved to working at coal pits. At 17 years of age he showed sufficient mechanical talent to be placed in charge of a new pumping engine, and had already achieved a job more responsible than that of his father. Despite his position he was still illiterate, although he subsequently learned to read and write. He was largely self-educated.
    In 1801 he was appointed Brakesman of the winding engine at Black Callerton pit, with responsibility for lowering the miners safely to their work. Then, about two years later, he became Brakesman of a new winding engine erected by Robert Hawthorn at Willington Quay on the Tyne. Returning collier brigs discharged ballast into wagons and the engine drew the wagons up an inclined plane to the top of "Ballast Hill" for their contents to be tipped; this was one of the earliest applications of steam power to transport, other than experimentally.
    In 1804 Stephenson moved to West Moor pit, Killingworth, again as Brakesman. In 1811 he demonstrated his mechanical skill by successfully modifying a new and unsatisfactory atmospheric engine, a task that had defeated the efforts of others, to enable it to pump a drowned pit clear of water. The following year he was appointed Enginewright at Killingworth, in charge of the machinery in all the collieries of the "Grand Allies", the prominent coal-owning families of Wortley, Liddell and Bowes, with authorization also to work for others. He built many stationary engines and he closely examined locomotives of John Blenkinsop's type on the Kenton \& Coxlodge wagonway, as well as those of William Hedley at Wylam.
    It was in 1813 that Sir Thomas Liddell requested George Stephenson to build a steam locomotive for the Killingworth wagonway: Blucher made its first trial run on 25 July 1814 and was based on Blenkinsop's locomotives, although it lacked their rack-and-pinion drive. George Stephenson is credited with building the first locomotive both to run on edge rails and be driven by adhesion, an arrangement that has been the conventional one ever since. Yet Blucher was far from perfect and over the next few years, while other engineers ignored the steam locomotive, Stephenson built a succession of them, each an improvement on the last.
    During this period many lives were lost in coalmines from explosions of gas ignited by miners' lamps. By observation and experiment (sometimes at great personal risk) Stephenson invented a satisfactory safety lamp, working independently of the noted scientist Sir Humphry Davy who also invented such a lamp around the same time.
    In 1817 George Stephenson designed his first locomotive for an outside customer, the Kilmarnock \& Troon Railway, and in 1819 he laid out the Hetton Colliery Railway in County Durham, for which his brother Robert was Resident Engineer. This was the first railway to be worked entirely without animal traction: it used inclined planes with stationary engines, self-acting inclined planes powered by gravity, and locomotives.
    On 19 April 1821 Stephenson was introduced to Edward Pease, one of the main promoters of the Stockton \& Darlington Railway (S \& DR), which by coincidence received its Act of Parliament the same day. George Stephenson carried out a further survey, to improve the proposed line, and in this he was assisted by his 18-year-old son, Robert Stephenson, whom he had ensured received the theoretical education which he himself lacked. It is doubtful whether either could have succeeded without the other; together they were to make the steam railway practicable.
    At George Stephenson's instance, much of the S \& DR was laid with wrought-iron rails recently developed by John Birkinshaw at Bedlington Ironworks, Morpeth. These were longer than cast-iron rails and were not brittle: they made a track well suited for locomotives. In June 1823 George and Robert Stephenson, with other partners, founded a firm in Newcastle upon Tyne to build locomotives and rolling stock and to do general engineering work: after its Managing Partner, the firm was called Robert Stephenson \& Co.
    In 1824 the promoters of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway (L \& MR) invited George Stephenson to resurvey their proposed line in order to reduce opposition to it. William James, a wealthy land agent who had become a visionary protagonist of a national railway network and had seen Stephenson's locomotives at Killingworth, had promoted the L \& MR with some merchants of Liverpool and had carried out the first survey; however, he overreached himself in business and, shortly after the invitation to Stephenson, became bankrupt. In his own survey, however, George Stephenson lacked the assistance of his son Robert, who had left for South America, and he delegated much of the detailed work to incompetent assistants. During a devastating Parliamentary examination in the spring of 1825, much of his survey was shown to be seriously inaccurate and the L \& MR's application for an Act of Parliament was refused. The railway's promoters discharged Stephenson and had their line surveyed yet again, by C.B. Vignoles.
    The Stockton \& Darlington Railway was, however, triumphantly opened in the presence of vast crowds in September 1825, with Stephenson himself driving the locomotive Locomotion, which had been built at Robert Stephenson \& Co.'s Newcastle works. Once the railway was at work, horse-drawn and gravity-powered traffic shared the line with locomotives: in 1828 Stephenson invented the horse dandy, a wagon at the back of a train in which a horse could travel over the gravity-operated stretches, instead of trotting behind.
    Meanwhile, in May 1826, the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway had successfully obtained its Act of Parliament. Stephenson was appointed Engineer in June, and since he and Vignoles proved incompatible the latter left early in 1827. The railway was built by Stephenson and his staff, using direct labour. A considerable controversy arose c. 1828 over the motive power to be used: the traffic anticipated was too great for horses, but the performance of the reciprocal system of cable haulage developed by Benjamin Thompson appeared in many respects superior to that of contemporary locomotives. The company instituted a prize competition for a better locomotive and the Rainhill Trials were held in October 1829.
    Robert Stephenson had been working on improved locomotive designs since his return from America in 1827, but it was the L \& MR's Treasurer, Henry Booth, who suggested the multi-tubular boiler to George Stephenson. This was incorporated into a locomotive built by Robert Stephenson for the trials: Rocket was entered by the three men in partnership. The other principal entrants were Novelty, entered by John Braithwaite and John Ericsson, and Sans Pareil, entered by Timothy Hackworth, but only Rocket, driven by George Stephenson, met all the organizers' demands; indeed, it far surpassed them and demonstrated the practicability of the long-distance steam railway. With the opening of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway in 1830, the age of railways began.
    Stephenson was active in many aspects. He advised on the construction of the Belgian State Railway, of which the Brussels-Malines section, opened in 1835, was the first all-steam railway on the European continent. In England, proposals to link the L \& MR with the Midlands had culminated in an Act of Parliament for the Grand Junction Railway in 1833: this was to run from Warrington, which was already linked to the L \& MR, to Birmingham. George Stephenson had been in charge of the surveys, and for the railway's construction he and J.U. Rastrick were initially Principal Engineers, with Stephenson's former pupil Joseph Locke under them; by 1835 both Stephenson and Rastrick had withdrawn and Locke was Engineer-in-Chief. Stephenson remained much in demand elsewhere: he was particularly associated with the construction of the North Midland Railway (Derby to Leeds) and related lines. He was active in many other places and carried out, for instance, preliminary surveys for the Chester \& Holyhead and Newcastle \& Berwick Railways, which were important links in the lines of communication between London and, respectively, Dublin and Edinburgh.
    He eventually retired to Tapton House, Chesterfield, overlooking the North Midland. A man who was self-made (with great success) against colossal odds, he was ever reluctant, regrettably, to give others their due credit, although in retirement, immensely wealthy and full of honour, he was still able to mingle with people of all ranks.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, on its formation in 1847. Order of Leopold (Belgium) 1835. Stephenson refused both a knighthood and Fellowship of the Royal Society.
    1815, jointly with Ralph Dodd, British patent no. 3,887 (locomotive drive by connecting rods directly to the wheels).
    1817, jointly with William Losh, British patent no. 4,067 (steam springs for locomotives, and improvements to track).
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1960, George and Robert Stephenson, Longman (the best modern biography; includes a bibliography).
    S.Smiles, 1874, The Lives of George and Robert Stephenson, rev. edn, London (although sycophantic, this is probably the best nineteenthcentury biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Stephenson, George

  • 2 Rankine, William John Macquorn

    b. 5 July 1820 Edinburgh, Scotland
    d. 1872
    Rankine was educated at Ayr Academy and Glasgow High School, although he appears to have learned much of his basic mathematics and physics through private study. He attended Edinburgh University and then assisted his father, who was acting as Superintendent of the Edinburgh and Dalkeith Railway. This introduction to engineering practice was followed in 1838 by his appointment as a pupil to Sir John MacNeill, and for the next four years he served under MacNeill on his Irish railway projects. While still in his early twenties, Rankine presented pioneering papers on metal fatigue and other subjects to the Institution of Civil Engineers, for which he won a prize, but he appears to have resigned from the Civils in 1857 after an argument because the Institution would not transfer his Associate Membership into full Membership. From 1844 to 1848 Rankine worked on various projects for the Caledonian Railway Company, but his interests were becoming increasingly theoretical and a series of distinguished papers for learned societies established his reputation as a leading scholar in the new science of thermodynamics. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1853. At the same time, he remained intimately involved with practical questions of applied science, in shipbuilding, marine engineering and electric telegraphy, becoming associated with the influential coterie of fellow Scots such as the Thomson brothers, Napier, Elder, and Lewis Gordon. Gordon was then the head of a large and successful engineering practice, but he was also Regius Professor of Engineering at the University of Glasgow, and when he retired from the Chair to pursue his business interests, Rankine, who had become his Assistant, was appointed in his place.
    From 1855 until his premature death in 1872, Rankine built up an impressive engineering department, providing a firm theoretical basis with a series of text books that he wrote himself and most of which remained in print for many decades. Despite his quarrel with the Institution of Civil Engineers, Rankine took a keen interest in the institutional development of the engineering profession, becoming the first President of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, which he helped to establish in 1857. Rankine campaigned vigorously for the recognition of engineering studies as a full university degree at Glasgow, and he achieved this in 1872, the year of his death. Rankine was one of the handful of mid-nineteenth century engineers who virtually created engineering as an academic discipline.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1853. First President, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1857.
    1858, Manual of Applied Mechanics.
    1859, Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers.
    1862, Manual of Civil Engineering.
    1869, Manual of Machinery and Millwork.
    Further Reading
    J.Small, 1957, "The institution's first president", Proceedings of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland: 687–97.
    H.B.Sutherland, 1972, Rankine. His Life and Times.

    Biographical history of technology > Rankine, William John Macquorn

  • 3 McKay, Donald

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 4 September 1810 Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada
    d. 20 September 1880 Hamilton, Massachusetts, USA
    American shipbuilder of Western Ocean packets and clippers.
    Of Scottish stock, McKay was the son of a farmer and the grandson of a loyalist officer who had left the United States after the War of Independence. After some elementary shipwright training in Nova Scotia, McKay travelled to New York to apprentice to the great American shipbuilder Isaac Webb, then building some of the outstanding ships of the nineteenth century. At the age of 21 and a fully fledged journeyman, McKay again set out and worked in various shipyards before joining William Currier in 1841 to establish a yard in Newburyport, Massachusetts. He moved on again in 1843 to form another venture, the yard of McKay and Pickett in the same locality.
    In 1844 McKay came to know Enoch Train of Boston, then proprietor of a fleet of fast clipper ships on the US A-to-Liverpool run. He persuaded McKay to set out on his own and promised to support him with orders for ships. The partnership with Pickett was dissolved amicably and Donald McKay opened the yard in East Boston, from which some of the world's fastest ships were to be launched. McKay's natural ability as a shipwright had been enhanced by the study of mathematics and engineering drawing, something he had learned from his wife Albenia Boole, the daughter of another shipbuilder. He was not too proud to learn from other masters on the East Coast such as William H.Webb and John Willis Griffiths. The first ships from East Boston included the Washington Irvine of 1845 and the Anglo Saxon of 1846; they were well built and had especially comfortable emigrant accommodation. However, faster ships were to follow, almost all three-masted, fully rigged ships with very fine or "extreme" lines, including the Flying Cloud for the Californian gold rush of 1851, the four-masted barque Great Republic; then, c. 1854, the Lightning was ordered by James Baines of Liverpool for his Black Ball Line. The Lightning holds to this day the speed record for a square-rigged ship's daily run. As the years passed the shipbuilding scene changed, and while McKay's did build some iron ships for the US Navy, they became much less profitable and in 1875 the yard closed down, with McKay retiring to take up farming.
    Further Reading
    Frank C.Bowen, 1952, "Shipbuilders of other days, Donald McKay of Boston",
    Shipbuilding and Shipping Record (18 September).

    Biographical history of technology > McKay, Donald

  • 4 Born, Ignaz Edler von

    b. 26 December 1742 Karlsburg, Transylvania (now Alba lulia, Romania)
    d. 24 July 1791 Vienna, Austria
    Austrian metallurgical and mining expert, inventor of the modern amalgamation process.
    At the University of Prague he studied law, but thereafter turned to mineralogy, physics and different aspects of mining. In 1769–70 he worked with the mining administration in Schemnitz (now Banská Stiavnica, Slovakia) and Prague and later continued travelling to many parts of Europe, with special interests in the mining districts. In 1776, he was charged to enlarge and systematically to reshape the natural-history collection in Vienna. Three years later he was appointed Wirklicher Hofrat at the mining and monetary administration of the Austrian court.
    Born, who had been at a Jesuit college in his youth, was an active freemason in Vienna and exercised remarkable social communication. The intensity of his academic exchange was outstanding, and he was a member of more than a dozen learned societies throughout Europe. When with the construction of a new metallurgic plant at Joachimsthal (now Jáchymov, Czech Republic) the methods of extracting silver and gold from ores by the means of quicksilver demanded acute consideration, it was this form of scientific intercourse that induced him in 1786 to invite many of his colleagues from several countries to meet in Schemnitz in order to discuss his ideas. Since the beginnings of the 1780s Born had developed the amalgamation process as had first been applied in Mexico in 1557, by mixing the roasted and chlorinated ores with water, ingredients of iron and quicksilver in drums and having the quicksilver refined from the amalgam in the next step. The meeting led to the founding of the Societät der Bergbaukunde, the first internationally structured society of scientists in the world. He died as the result of severe injuries suffered in an accident while he was studying fire-setting in a Slovakian mine in 1770.
    1774 (ed.), Briefe an J.J.Ferber über mineralogische Gegenstände, Frankfurt and Leipzig.
    1775–84, Abhandlungen einer Privatgesellschaft in Böhmen, zur Aufnahme der
    Mathematik, der vaterländischen Geschichte und der Naturgeschichte, 6 vols, Prague. 1786, Über das Anquicken der gold-und silberhaltigen Erze, Rohsteine, Schwarzkupfer
    und Hüttenspeise, Vienna.
    1789–90, co-edited with F.W.H.von Trebra, Bergbaukunde, 2 vols, Leipzig.
    Further Reading
    C.von Wurzbach, 1857, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Österreich, Vol. II, pp. 71–4.
    L.Molnár and A Weiß, 1986, Ignaz Edler von Born und die Societät der Bergbaukunde 1786, Vienna: Bundesministerium für Handel, Gewerbe und Industrie (provides a very detailed description of his life, the amalgamation process and the society of 1786). G.B.Fettweis, and G.Hamann (eds), 1989, Über Ignaz von Born und die Societät der
    Bergbaukunde, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft (provides a very detailed description).

    Biographical history of technology > Born, Ignaz Edler von

  • 5 the narrow path

    стезя добродетели [этим. библ. Matthew VII, 14]

    What sort of influence would enter his life, who would be at hand to aid and council and guide him in the straight and narrow path, as they had done? (Th. Dreiser, ‘An American Tragedy’, book I, ch. LV) — С какими людьми он столкнется в жизни, кто будет рядом, чтобы помочь ему, кто даст добрый совет, направит по стезе добродетели, как делали родители?

    In his younger gallivantings about places of ill repute, and his subsequent occasional variations from the straight and narrow path, he had learned much of the curious resources of immorality. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Financier’, ch. XX) — В дни юности он таскался по всевозможным злачным местам, да и впоследствии, когда был женат, случалось, сворачивал с пути истинного, так что ему были хорошо известны все ухищрения и лазейки, которыми пользуется порок.

    Women are subject to two defects, curiosity and vanity. They lead these fair creatures to abandon the narrow path of virtue more often than passion. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. XVIII) — Женщинам свойственны два недостатка: любопытство и тщеславие. Эти недостатки чаще, чем страсть, заставляют представительниц прекрасного пола свернуть со стези добродетели.

    You are, and always will be, a no good heel. It suits you, and you're dead out of character when you try to tread the straight and narrow path. (A. J. Cronin, ‘A Pocketful of Rye’, ch. XVII) — Ты субъект непутевый и всегда таким будешь. Это тебя устраивает. И уж очень неестественно выглядит, когда ты пытаешься изобразить из себя добродетельного человека.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the narrow path

  • 6 beat hell out of smb.

    (beat (blast, kick или knock) hell out of smb.)
    исколошматить, исколотить кого-л., избить до бесчувствия, до полусмерти; ≈ живого места на ком-л. не оставить, пересчитать рёбра или кости кому-л

    We're strikin' for our raise. We're picketin' your God-damn orchards and We're kickin' hell out of any scabs you run in. (J. Steinbeck, ‘In Dubious Battle’, ch. XIII) — Мы бастуем для того, чтобы добиться повышения зарплаты. Мы пикетируем ваши проклятые сады, и мы живого места не оставим на любом штрейкбрехере, которого вы пришлете сюда.

    But he... would knock hell out of anybody who had not learned it. (J. Plunkett, ‘The Trusting and the Maimed’, ‘Weep for Our Pride’) — Но О'Рурк душу вытрясет из любого ученика, который не выучит эти стихи.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > beat hell out of smb.

  • 7 of

    ɔv (полная форма) ;
    (редуцированная форма) предл.
    1) указывает на отношение принадлежности;
    передается род. падежом а) указывает на "владельца", кому принадлежит pages of a book ≈ страницы книги б) указывает на объект принадлежности the owner of a car ≈ владелец автомобиля
    2) выражает объект действия в отглагольных существительных
    3) указывает на деятеля или создателя а) после существительных б) после глагола в пассиве;
    может передаваться твор. падежом Everything seems to be done of those who govern Spain to keep travellers out of that country. ≈ Теми, кто управляет Испанией, кажется было сделано все, чтобы не допустить путешественников в эту страну.
    4) указывает на деятеля - носителя качества или свойства, выраженного прилагательным;
    при этом деятель является логическим субъектом придаточного предложения с инфинитивным предикатом или реже придаточного, вводимого союзом that It is clever of him to go there. ≈ Умно, что он туда поехал. It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. ≈ Вы были очень легкомысленны, оставив дверь незапертой.
    5) указывает на отношение части и целого;
    передается род. разделительным (партитивом)
    6) указывает на содержимое какого-л. вместилища
    7) указывает на состав, структуру pack of wolvesстая волков herd of horses ≈ табун лошадей family of a dozen personsсемья из 12 человек
    8) после слов типа class, order, genus, species, kind, sort, manner и т. п. указывает на класс, вид, разновидность и т. п. It was a sort of travelling school. ≈ Это было нечто вроде школы по туризму. Of the eagle, there are but few species. ≈ Кроме орлов существует лишь несколько разновидностей.
    9) указывает на выделение лица/предмета из множества аналогичных лиц/предметов holy of holies ≈ святая святых
    10) из о материале, из которого что-л. сделано
    11) указывает на вкус, запах и т. п.;
    передается тв. падежом
    12) указывает на качество, свойство, возраст;
    часто передается род. падежом
    13) указывает на область распространения какого-л. качества, свойства to be hard of hearingбыть тугоухим, плохо слышать
    14) указывает на причину от;
    в результате, по причине sick of inaction ≈ уставший от бездействия He died of pneumonia. ≈ Он умер от воспаления легких. He did it of necessity. ≈ Он сделал это по необходимости.
    15) указывает на источник от, у I learned it of him. ≈ Я узнал это от него. He asked it of me. ≈ Он спросил это у меня.
    16) указывает на происхождение из He comes of a worker's family. ≈ Он из рабочей семьи.
    17) указывает на направление, положение в пространстве, расстояние от
    18) указывает на объект избавления, лишения от;
    передается тж. род. падежом to cure of a disease/illness ≈ вылечить от болезни
    19) указывает на время
    20) указывает на количество в
    21) указывает на предмет разговора, слуха и т. п. о, об, относительно
    22) указывает на предмет подозрений, обвинений и т. п. в
    23) вводит приложение
    24) употребляется в неразложимых словосочетаниях с предшествующим определяющим существительным указывает на: принадлежность - передается род. падежом - the garden of my neighbour сад моего соседа - the nest of the bird гнездо птицы владение чем-л. - передается род. падежом - the owner of the house владелец дома, домовладелец - a man of property собственник авторство - передается род. падежом - the stories of Edgar Poe рассказы Эдгара По - the phonograph of Edison фонограф Эдисона принадлежность к какой-л. организации или участие в работе какого-л. органа - передается род. падежом - he is a member of the Communist party он член коммунистической партии родственные, дружеские, деловые и др. связи в обороте, включающем существительное в притяжательном падеже или притяжательное местоименение обыкн. в абсолютной форме - he is a friend of mine он мой друг;
    это один из моих друзей - is he a friend of your father's? он друг вашего отца? - that precious brother of hers (ироничное) ее драгоценный братец - it's no business of yours это не ваше дело, это вас не касается - a volume of Shakespeare's один из томов (собрания сочинений) Шекспира указывает на: составную часть чего-л - передается род. падежом - the roof of the house крыша дома - the leg of the table ножка стола соотношение части и целого: из;
    передается тж. род. падежом - there parts of the whole три четверти всего количества - one of them один из них - most of us большинство из нас - of the twenty only one was present из двадцати присутствовал только один - there is smth. of good in every man в каждом человеке есть что-то хорошее - taste of the soup (книжное) отведайте супа - part of the way часть пути определенное количество чего-л. - передается род. падежом - a cup of tea чашка чаю - a tin of sardines банка сардин - a yard of silk ярд шелка - a foot of ground фут земли - a piece of chalk кусок мела - how much of it do you want? сколько вам дать этого? указывает на выделение лица или предмета из группы лиц или предметов: из - the bravest of the brave храбрейший из храбрых - the holy of holies святая святых - a man of a thousand один из тысячи - on this day of all days именно в этот день - you have had the best of teachers вас учили лучшие учителя указывает на: качество, свойство или особенность - передается род. падежом;
    в сочетании с существительным передается тж. прилагательным - of good quality хорошего качества - a man of talent талантливый человек - a man of genius гений - a man of importance важный человек, важная персона - a friendship of old standing старая дружба - a period of plenty период изобилия - a state of rest состояние покоя - a flag of three colours трехцветный флаг - tomatoes of my own growing помидоры, выращенные на моем участке, поле и т. п., выращенные мною помидоры количественную характеристику: в, из - a ship of 700 tons судно водоизмещением в 700 тонн - a family of eight cемья из восьми человек возраст - передается род. падежом - a boy of fourteen мальчик четырнадцати лет указывает на сферу распространения качества или признака - вместе со следующим существительным часто переводится сложным прилагательным - hard of heart жестокосердный - black of eye черноглазый - nimble of foot быстроногий - he is hard of hearing он тугоух указывает на: материал: из;
    передается тж. род. падежом - a box of ivory шкатулка (из) слоновой кости - made of wood сделанный из дерева - what is it made of? из чего это сделано? - a house of cards карточный домик состав, содержание или структуру - передается род. падежом - a collection of pictures собрание картин - a book of poems сборник стихов - a bunch of keys связка ключей - a pack of wolves стая волков - to be composed of smth. быть составленным из чего-л. запах, вкус - передается твор. падежом - it smelled of hay пахло сеном - the fish tasted of onions рыба отдавала луком - the room smelled of mice в комнате пахло мышами указывает на: происхождение или источник: из;
    передается тж. род. падежом - he comes of a good family он происходит их хорошей семьи - workers of Ohio рабочие из (штата) Огайо - there was one child of that marriage от этого брак5а родился один ребенок - man of humble origin человек незнатного рода - of royal decent из королевского рода отнесение к какому-л. времени иди периоду - передается род. падежом - men of Forty Eight люди сорок восьмого года - within a year of his death через год после его смерти звание, титул и т. п. - передается род, падежом - Doctor of Medicine доктор медицины - Master of Arts магистр искусств;
    магистр гуманитарных наук указывает на причину, основание: от, из-за, по - to do smth. of necessity сделать что-л. по необходимости - to do smth. of one's own accord сделать что-л. по (своему) собственному желанию - to die of starvation умереть от голода - for fear of из страха перед (чем-л.), из-за (чего-л.) - I have done this of my own will я сделал это по собственной воле - I am sick of endless delays я устал от бесконечных задержек указывает на направление, расстояние или удаленность от какого-л. пункта: от, к - within a mile of the station в миле от станции - south of London к югу от Лондона - a mile east of the port на расстоянии мили к востоку от порта указывает на: минуты( при определении времени по часам): без;
    передается тж. род. падежом - twenty of twelve (американизм) без двадцати двенадцать;
    сорок минут двенадцатого название месяца после даты - передается род. падежом - the first of May первое мая - the second of June второе июня (редкое) время совершения повторного действия: по;
    вместе с существительным передается тж. наречием - of an evening по вечерам, вечерами - of a Saturday по субботам - what do you do of a Saturday? что вы делаете по субботам? - to sit up late of nights (диалектизм) поздно ложиться спать период времени: в течение - I have not seen him of a long time я давно не видел его употребляется: в оборотах, где в качестве образного эпитета выступает определяемое - a palace of a house роскошный дом;
    не дом, а дворец - a box of a room клетушка, каморка - what a mountain of a wave! какая огромная волна! с приложением, выраженным именем собственным - the city of Dublin город Дублин - the Isle of Wight остров Уайт - by the name of Mary по имени Мэри - the month of May месяц май с ослабленным значением употребляется в определительных оборотах к существительным - передается род, падежом;
    тж. вместе с существительным передается прилагательным - the laws of perspective законы перспективы - standard of living уровень жизни - source of information источник сведений - the name of the street название улицы - a cloud of smoke облако дыма - a word of encouragement доброе слово;
    одобрение раскрывает содержание предшествующего существительного - передается род. падежом - the fact of your speaking to him тот факт, что вы с ним разговаривали указывает на: объект действия - передается род. падежом - education of children обучение детей - explanation of a word объяснение слова - love of study любовь к занятиям - writing of letters писание писем - levying of taxes взимание налогов субъект дейтсвия, выраженного существительным - передается род. падежом;
    в сочетании с существительным передается прилагательным - the love of a mother любовь матери;
    материнская любовь субъект действия, выраженного инфинитивом: с ( чьей-л.) стороны - it is clever of you to act so с вашей стороны умно действовать подобным образом( устаревшее) субъект действия после глагола в пассиве - передается твор. падежом - beloved of all любимый всеми - forsaken of God and man забытый богом и людьми указывает на: тему разговора, предмет рассуждений, воспоминаний и т. п.: о, об, относительно - to speak of smb., smth. говорить о ком-л., что-л. - it is you I'm thinking of я думаю о вас - not that I know of я, по крайней мере, ничего об этом не знаю предмет подозрений, опасений, страха, зависти и т. п.;
    передается тж. косвенными падежами - to suspect smb. of smth. подозревать кого-л. в чем-л - to accuse smb. of smth. обвинять кого-л. в чем-л. - to be guilty of smth. быть виновным в чем-л. - to be sure of smth. быть уверенным в чем-л. - to be aware of smth. знать что-л. - it admits of no doubt в этом не приходится сомневаться /нет сомнения/ - he was ashamed of being so late ему было стыдно, что он пришел так поздно - he had such hopes of it он так на это надеялся указывает на: освобождение или избавление от чего-л.: от - free of smth. свободный от чего-л. - to cure smb. of smth. вылечить кого-л. от чего-л. - to relieve smb. of anxiety избавить кого-л. от беспокойства - trees bare of leaves оголенные деревья - free of customs duty не облагаемый таможенной пошлиной лишение, изъятие чего-л.: от;
    передается тж. род. падежом - to be deprived of smth. быть лишенным чего-л. - he was robbed of his purse у него украли кошелек - he was cheated of $5 его обсчитали на 5 долларов лицо, у которого что-л. берут, просят, требуют и т. п.: у;
    передается тж. род. падежом - to ask a favour of smb. просить кого-л. о любезности - to borrow smth. of smb. взять взаймы что-л. у кого-л. (устаревшее) указывает на цель: с;
    по - house of prayer молитвенный дом - to send of an errand послать с поручением в сочетаниях: - full of полный - full of water полный воды - full of energy полный энергии, энергичный - plenty of много - plenty of time много времени - of no account не имеющий значения - of (great) interest представляющий (большой) интерес - of age совершеннолетний - of a certainty несомненно, бесспорно;
    наверняка - of a child с детства - of a child he was sickly он был болезненным с детства - of all men, of all people уж кто-кто, a... - he of all men should be grateful уж он-то во всяком случае должен бы быть благодарен - well what of it? ну и что (из этого) ? - of oneself по своему желанию;
    без посторонней помощи - it came about of itself это произошло само по себе - of late недавно - of old давно;
    в давние времена - I know him of old я знаю его очень давно - what has become of him? что с ним стало? - no more of that! хватит!, довольно! - this kind of thing вещи такого рода - all of a tremble весь дрожа;
    в сильном волнении - he is one of us он свой (разговорное) (диалектизм) выполняет роль вспомогательного глагола: - she meant to of written you она собиралась написать тебе - he should of asked me first ему бы сначала следовало спросить у меня of prep в;
    to suspect of theft подозревать в воровстве;
    to accuse of a lie обвинять во лжи;
    to be guilty of bribery быть виновным во взяточничестве ~ prep указывает на принадлежность;
    передается род. падежом: the house of my ancestors дом моих предков;
    articles of clothing предметы одежды of prep в;
    to suspect of theft подозревать в воровстве;
    to accuse of a lie обвинять во лжи;
    to be guilty of bribery быть виновным во взяточничестве to be sure (~ smth.) быть уверенным (в чем-л.) sure: well, I am ~! вот те раз!;
    sure thing! безусловно!, конечно!;
    to be sure разумеется, конечно well: if you promise that, ~ and good если вы обещаете это, тогда хорошо;
    well, to be sure вот тебе раз! the devil ~ a worker не работник а просто дьявол;
    a beauty of a girl красавица ~ prep вводит приложение: the city of New York город НьюЙорк;
    by the name of John по имениДжон ~ prep вводит приложение: the city of New York город НьюЙорк;
    by the name of John по имениДжон ~ prep указывает на объект действия;
    передается род. падежом: a creator of a new trend in art создатель нового направления в искусстве ~ prep указывает на объект избавления от;
    to cure of a disease (или illness) вылечить от болезни;
    to get rid of a cold избавиться от простуды ~ prep указывает на деятеля;
    передается род. падежом: the deeds of our heroes подвиги наших героев the devil ~ a worker не работник а просто дьявол;
    a beauty of a girl красавица ~ prep указывает на материал, из которого (что-л.) сделано из;
    a dress of silk платье из шелка;
    a wreath of flowers венок из цветов ~ prep указывает на количество единиц измерения в;
    a farm of 100 acres ферма площадью в 100 акров;
    a fortune of 1000 pounds состояние в 1000 фунтов ~ prep употребляется в неразложимых словосочетаниях с предшествующим определяющим существительным: a fool of a man глупый человек, просто дурень ~ prep указывает на количество единиц измерения в;
    a farm of 100 acres ферма площадью в 100 акров;
    a fortune of 1000 pounds состояние в 1000 фунтов ~ prep указывает на объект избавления от;
    to cure of a disease (или illness) вылечить от болезни;
    to get rid of a cold избавиться от простуды a girl ~ ten девочка лет десяти;
    a man of talent талантливый человек ~ prep указывает на содержимое (какого-л.) вместилища;
    передается род. падежом: a glass of milk стакан молока;
    a pail of water ведро воды ~ prep указывает на источник от, у;
    I learned it of him я узнал это от него;
    he asked it of me он спросил это у меня ~ prep указывает на происхождение из;
    he comes of a worker's family он из рабочей семьи he did it ~ necessity он сделал это по необходимости ~ prep указывает на причину от;
    в результате, по причине;
    he died of pneumonia он умер от воспаления легких he ~ all men кто угодно, но не он;
    that he of all men should do it! меньше всего я ожидал этого от него! he reeks ~ tobacco от него разит табаком ~ prep указывает на выделение лица или предмета из множества аналогичных лиц или предметов: holy of holies святая святых ~ prep указывает на принадлежность;
    передается род. падежом: the house of my ancestors дом моих предков;
    articles of clothing предметы одежды ~ prep о, об, относительно;
    I have heard of it я слышал об этом;
    the news of the victory весть о победе ~ prep указывает на источник от, у;
    I learned it of him я узнал это от него;
    he asked it of me он спросил это у меня in search ~ a dictionary в поисках словаря;
    a lover of poetry любитель поэзии ~ prep it is nice ~ you это любезно с вашей стороны;
    it is clever of him to go there умно, что он туда поехал ~ prep указывает на объект лишения;
    передается род. падежом: the loss of power потеря власти in search ~ a dictionary в поисках словаря;
    a lover of poetry любитель поэзии ~ prep указывает на качество, свойство, возраст;
    передается род. падежом: a man of his word человек слова word: ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one's word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово! a girl ~ ten девочка лет десяти;
    a man of talent талантливый человек some ~ us некоторые из нас;
    a member of congress член конгресса a mouse ~ a woman похожая на мышку женщина ~ prep о, об, относительно;
    I have heard of it я слышал об этом;
    the news of the victory весть о победе ~ prep указывает на время: of an evening вечером;
    of late недавно ~ prep it is nice ~ you это любезно с вашей стороны;
    it is clever of him to go there умно, что он туда поехал ~ prep указывает на время: of an evening вечером;
    of late недавно on application ~ при применении ~ prep указывает на содержимое (какого-л.) вместилища;
    передается род. падежом: a glass of milk стакан молока;
    a pail of water ведро воды ~ prep указывает на отношение части и целого;
    передается род. разделительным: a pound of sugar фунт сахару ~ prep указывает на вкус, запах и т. п.;
    передается тв. падежом: to smell of flowers пахнуть цветами some ~ us некоторые из нас;
    a member of congress член конгресса ~ prep указывает на направление, положение в пространстве, расстояние от;
    south of Moscow к югу от Москвы of prep в;
    to suspect of theft подозревать в воровстве;
    to accuse of a lie обвинять во лжи;
    to be guilty of bribery быть виновным во взяточничестве he ~ all men кто угодно, но не он;
    that he of all men should do it! меньше всего я ожидал этого от него! within 50 miles ~ London в 50 милях от Лондона ~ prep указывает на авторство;
    передается род. падежом: the works of Shakespeare произведения Шекспира ~ prep указывает на материал, из которого (что-л.) сделано из;
    a dress of silk платье из шелка;
    a wreath of flowers венок из цветов

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > of

  • 8 Harrison, John

    b. 24 March 1693 Foulby, Yorkshire, England
    d. 24 March 1776 London, England
    English horologist who constructed the first timekeeper of sufficient accuracy to determine longitude at sea and invented the gridiron pendulum for temperature compensation.
    John Harrison was the son of a carpenter and was brought up to that trade. He was largely self-taught and learned mechanics from a copy of Nicholas Saunderson's lectures that had been lent to him. With the assistance of his younger brother, James, he built a series of unconventional clocks, mainly of wood. He was always concerned to reduce friction, without using oil, and this influenced the design of his "grasshopper" escapement. He also invented the "gridiron" compensation pendulum, which depended on the differential expansion of brass and steel. The excellent performance of his regulator clocks, which incorporated these devices, convinced him that they could also be used in a sea dock to compete for the longitude prize. In 1714 the Government had offered a prize of £20,000 for a method of determining longitude at sea to within half a degree after a voyage to the West Indies. In theory the longitude could be found by carrying an accurate timepiece that would indicate the time at a known longitude, but the requirements of the Act were very exacting. The timepiece would have to have a cumulative error of no more than two minutes after a voyage lasting six weeks.
    In 1730 Harrison went to London with his proposal for a sea clock, supported by examples of his grasshopper escapement and his gridiron pendulum. His proposal received sufficient encouragement and financial support, from George Graham and others, to enable him to return to Barrow and construct his first sea clock, which he completed five years later. This was a large and complicated machine that was made out of brass but retained the wooden wheelwork and the grasshopper escapement of the regulator clocks. The two balances were interlinked to counteract the rolling of the vessel and were controlled by helical springs operating in tension. It was the first timepiece with a balance to have temperature compensation. The effect of temperature change on the timekeeping of a balance is more pronounced than it is for a pendulum, as two effects are involved: the change in the size of the balance; and the change in the elasticity of the balance spring. Harrison compensated for both effects by using a gridiron arrangement to alter the tension in the springs. This timekeeper performed creditably when it was tested on a voyage to Lisbon, and the Board of Longitude agreed to finance improved models. Harrison's second timekeeper dispensed with the use of wood and had the added refinement of a remontoire, but even before it was tested he had embarked on a third machine. The balance of this machine was controlled by a spiral spring whose effective length was altered by a bimetallic strip to compensate for changes in temperature. In 1753 Harrison commissioned a London watchmaker, John Jefferys, to make a watch for his own personal use, with a similar form of temperature compensation and a modified verge escapement that was intended to compensate for the lack of isochronism of the balance spring. The time-keeping of this watch was surprisingly good and Harrison proceeded to build a larger and more sophisticated version, with a remontoire. This timekeeper was completed in 1759 and its performance was so remarkable that Harrison decided to enter it for the longitude prize in place of his third machine. It was tested on two voyages to the West Indies and on both occasions it met the requirements of the Act, but the Board of Longitude withheld half the prize money until they had proof that the timekeeper could be duplicated. Copies were made by Harrison and by Larcum Kendall, but the Board still continued to prevaricate and Harrison received the full amount of the prize in 1773 only after George III had intervened on his behalf.
    Although Harrison had shown that it was possible to construct a timepiece of sufficient accuracy to determine longitude at sea, his solution was too complex and costly to be produced in quantity. It had, for example, taken Larcum Kendall two years to produce his copy of Harrison's fourth timekeeper, but Harrison had overcome the psychological barrier and opened the door for others to produce chronometers in quantity at an affordable price. This was achieved before the end of the century by Arnold and Earnshaw, but they used an entirely different design that owed more to Le Roy than it did to Harrison and which only retained Harrison's maintaining power.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Society Copley Medal 1749.
    1767, The Principles of Mr Harrison's Time-keeper, with Plates of the Same, London. 1767, Remarks on a Pamphlet Lately Published by the Rev. Mr Maskelyne Under the
    Authority of the Board of Longitude, London.
    1775, A Description Concerning Such Mechanisms as Will Afford a Nice or True Mensuration of Time, London.
    Further Reading
    R.T.Gould, 1923, The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development, London; reprinted 1960, Holland Press.
    —1978, John Harrison and His Timekeepers, 4th edn, London: National Maritime Museum.
    H.Quill, 1966, John Harrison, the Man who Found Longitude, London. A.G.Randall, 1989, "The technology of John Harrison's portable timekeepers", Antiquarian Horology 18:145–60, 261–77.
    J.Betts, 1993, John Harrison London (a good short account of Harrison's work). S.Smiles, 1905, Men of Invention and Industry; London: John Murray, Chapter III. Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. IX, pp. 35–6.

    Biographical history of technology > Harrison, John

  • 9 Young, Arthur

    b. 11 September 1741 London, England
    d. 20 April 1820 Bradford, England
    English writer and commentator on agricultural affairs; founder and Secretary of the Board of Agriculture (later the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food).
    He was the youngest of the three children of Dr Arthur Young, who was at one time Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. He learned Latin and Greek at Lavenham School, and at the age of 17 was apprenticed to a mercantile house, an occupation he disliked. He first published The Theatre of the Present War in North America in 1758. He then wrote four novels and began to produce the literary magazine The Universal Museum. After his father's death he returned home to manage his father's farm, and in 1765 he married Martha Allen.
    Young learned farming by experiment, and three years after his return he took over the rent of a 300 acre farm, Samford Hall in Essex. He was not a practical farmer, and was soon forced to give it up in favour of one of 100 acres (40.5 hectares) in Hertfordshire. He subsidized his farming with his writing, and in 1768 published The Farmer's Letters to the People of England. The first of his books on agricultural tours, Six Weeks Tours through the Counties of England and Wales, was published in 1771. Between 1784 and 1809 he published the Annals of Agriculture, one of whose contributors was George III, who wrote under the pseudonym of Ralph Robinson.
    By this time he was corresponding with all of influence in agricultural matters, both at home and abroad. George Washington wrote frequently to Young, and George III was reputed to travel always with a copy of his book. The Empress of Russia sent students to him and had his Tours published in Russian. Young made three trips to France in 1787, 1788 and 1789–90 respectively, prior to and during the French Revolution, and his Travels in France (1792) is a remarkable account of that period, made all the more fascinating by his personal contact with people differing as widely as Mirabeau, the French revolutionary leader, and King Louis XVI.
    Unfortunately, in 1811 an unsuccessful cataract operation left him blind, and he moved from London to his native Bradford, where he remained until his death.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Chairman, Agricultural Committee of the Society of Arts 1773: awarded three Gold Medals during his career for his achievements in practical agriculture. FRS. Honorary Member of the Dublin, York and Manchester learned societies, as well as the Economic Society of Berne, the Palatine Academy of Agriculture at Mannheim, and the Physical Society of Zurich. Honourary member, French Royal Society of Agriculture. Secretary, Board of Agriculture 1793.
    His first novels were The Fair Americans, Sir Charles Beaufort, Lucy Watson and Julia Benson.
    His earliest writings on agriculture appeared as collected letters in a periodical with the title Museum Rusticum in 1767.
    In 1770 he published a two-volume work entitled A Course of Experimental Agriculture, and between 1766 and 1775 he published The Farmer's Letters, Political Arithmetic, Political Essays Concerning the Present State of the British Empire and Southern, Northern and Eastern Tours, and in 1779 he published The Tour of Ireland.
    In addition he was author of the Board of Agriculture reports on the counties of Suffolk, Lincoln, Norfolk, Hertford, Essex and Oxford.
    Further Reading
    J.Thirsk (ed.), 1989, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. VI (deals with the years 1750 to 1850, the period associated with Young).
    T.G.Gazeley, 1973, "The life of Arthur Young, 1741–1820", Memoirs, American Philosophical Society 97.

    Biographical history of technology > Young, Arthur

  • 10 wish

    1. I
    1) let's wish! давайте задумаем /загадаем/ желание!; it is no good wishing бессмысленно просто мечтать; doing is better than wishing лучше действовать, чем [просто] мечтать;
    2) if /as/ you wish как хотите, как вам угодно; I will do what you wish я сделаю так, как вы хотите /желаете/; you may have whichever you wish возьмите тот [кусок и т.п.] или ту [книгу и т.п.], который или которая вам нравится
    2. III
    wish smth. wish peace (help, money, an interview, etc.) хотеть мира и т.д., стремиться к миру и т.д.; what do you wish? что вы хотите?, что вам угодно?
    3. IV
    wish smth. in хате manner wish smth. desperately (earnestly, heartily, ardently, passionately, vainly, personally, vaguely, particularly, shamelessly, immediately, etc.) отчаянно и т.д. желать чего-л.; wish smb. somewhere wish smb. away (here, there, miles away, anywhere but where one is, etc.) желать, чтобы кого-л. здесь не было и т.д.
    4. V
    wish smb. smth. wish him success (smb. a happy life, her every happiness, you a pleasant journey, all men health, him every joy, us a good passage, etc.) пожелать ему успеха и т.д.; I don't wish you any harm я не желаю вам зла; wish smb. goodbye попрощаться с кем-л.; wish smb. good night пожелать кому-л. спокойной /доброй/ ночи;smb. good morning пожелать кому-л. доброго утра, сказать кому-л. "с добрым утром"; wish smb. a happy New Year (a merry Christmas) поздравить кого-л. с Новым годом (с рождеством); I wish you many happy returns of the day поздравляю вас с днем рождения и желаю долгих лет жизни
    5. VI
    wish smb., smth. in some state wish oneself dead хотеть умереть, желать себе смерти; wish smb., smth. well (ill) желать кому-л., чему-л. добра (зла); he never ceases to wish me well он всегда доброжелательно относится ко мне: I could not wish it better лучшего и желать нельзя
    6. VII
    wish smb. to do smth. wish him to come (you to finish the work by twelve o'clock, him to lend you his camera, him to give up fencing, you to come back early, her to be polite with everybody, etc.) хотеть /желать/, чтобы он пришел и т.д.; father wishes me to take drawing lessons отец хочет, чтобы я учился рисовать /брал уроки рисования/; I don't wish you to cultivate this man's acquaintance мне не хотелось бы, чтобы вы поддерживали знакомство с этим человеком; do you really wish me to go? вам действительно хочется, чтобы я ушел?
    7. IX
    wish smth. done wish it finished (the problem settled, the experiment concluded, etc.) хотеть, чтобы это было закончено и т.д.; I don't wish anything said about it мне бы не хотелось, чтобы об этом говорили
    8. XIII
    wish to do smth. wish to say smth. (to add smth., to make a few remarks, to see you, to buy it, to rent a room, to stay, to go, to travel, etc.) хотеть /иметь желание/ сказать что-л. и т.д.; I don't wish to meet this man again у меня нет желания снова встретиться с этим человеком; he wished to be alone ему хотелось остаться /побыть/ одному; he wished to be thought learned ему хотелось, чтобы о нем думали-как об образованном человеке; much as I wish to go there... как бы мне ни хотелось пойти туда...; she wishes to see the house она желает осмотреть дом
    9. XVI
    wish for smth. wish for peace (for happiness, for a great success, for more appreciation, for assistance, for better times, for a day's leisure, for smth. better, etc.) желать мира и т.д., мечтать о мире и т.д.; she wished for a new house она мечтала о новом доме; wish for more than one has желать больше, чем имеешь; what do you wish for most? чего бы вам больше всего хотелось?; what more can you wish for? что еще вам нужно?, чего еще вам не хватает?; I would not wish for anything better ни о чем лучшем я и мечтать не могу; she has everything a woman can wish for у нее есть все, чего может желать женщина; the weather was everything they could wish for лучшей погоды и желать было нельзя, погода как на заказ; how I wish for an opportunity to go there! если бы только у меня была возможность туда поехать!; how he wished for a glass of cold water ему так хотелось выпить стакан холодной воды
    10. XXI1
    1) wish smth. to (on) smb. wish success to him (happiness to all one's friends, good luck to the travellers, etc.) пожелать ему успеха и т.д.; I wouldn't wish that awful job on my worst enemy такую ужасную работу я своему злейшему врагу не пожелаю
    2) wish smth. on smb. let's wish this job on somebody else давайте свалим эту работу на кого-л. другого; who wished this on me? кто мне это навязал?; wish smb. in some place I wished myself on a desert island я хотел очутиться на необитаемом острове
    3) || wish smth. at an end мечтать об окончании чего-л.; wish the voyage at an end мечтать, чтобы путешествие окончилось
    11. XXV
    wish [that]
    1) usually followed by subjunctive; the connective that usually omitted I wish I were there (I were rich, the work were finished, it were already done, I were in your place, I had more energy, he were more attentive, etc.) как бы мне хотелось быть там и т.д., если бы мне быть там и т.д., ах, если бы я был там и т.д.; I wish I knew если б я только знал; I wish I were dead мне жить не хочется; she wished [that] it were morning ей хотелось, чтоб уже настало /наступило/ утро; I wish I had seen it (I had stayed at home, I had come earlier, I had spoken to him, etc.) как жаль, что я этого не видел и т.д.; I wish I hadn't left so early жаль, что я так рано ушел; I wish I had never seen her лучше бы мне ее никогда не видеть; I wish you may live to see it желаю вам дожить и увидеть это [своими глазами]; I wish I could stay a little longer мне бы хотелось здесь остаться подольше; I wish you wouldn't make so much noise не шумите, пожалуйста: нельзя ли потише?
    2) I wish you would be quiet (you would be more polite, etc.) нельзя ли не шуметь? и т.д.; I wish you would shut the door when you go out закройте /захлопните/, пожалуйста, дверь, когда выйдете

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > wish

  • 11 Stephenson, John

    b. 4 July 1809 County Armagh, Ireland,
    d. 31 July 1893 New Rochelle, New York, USA.
    Irish/American pioneer of tramways for urban transport, builder and innovator of streetcars.
    Stephenson's parents emigrated to the United States when he was 2 years old; he was educated in public schools in New York, where his parents had settled, and at a Wesleyan seminary. He became a clerk in a store at 16, but in 1828 he apprenticed himself to a coachbuilder, Andrew Wade, of Broome Street, New York. His apprenticeship lasted two years, during which time he learned mechanical drawing in the evenings and started to design vehicles. He was employed for a year on carriage repair work and in 1831 he opened his own coach repair business. Within a year he had built New York's first omnibus; this was bought by Abraham Brower, Stephenson's former employer, who started the city's first bus service. Brower immediately ordered a further three buses from Stephenson, and a further horse-drawn car was ordered by the New York \& Harlem Railroad. He built the car used at the opening of the railroad on 26 November 1832, the first street railway in the world. Orders followed for cars for many street railroads in other cities in the eastern States, and business prospered until the financial panic of 1837. Stephenson's factory was forced to close but he managed to pay off his creditors in the next six years and started in business again, building only omnibuses and coaches to become recognized as the world's foremost builder of streetcars. His first car had four flanged wheels, and a body of three compartments slung on leather straps from an unsprung chassis. He built horse-drawn cars, cable cars, electric and open cars; by 1891 his factory had 500 employees and was producing some twenty-five cars a week. His first patent had been dated 23 April 1833 and was followed by some ten others. During the Civil War, his factory was turned over to the manufacture of pontoons and gun carriages. He married Julia Tiemann in 1833; they had two sons and a daughter. He lived at New Rochelle, New York, from 1865 until his death.
    Further Reading
    "The original car builder", 1891, New York Tribune, 10 September.
    D.Malone (ed.), Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. 9, New York: Charles Scribner.

    Biographical history of technology > Stephenson, John

  • 12 Noyce, Robert

    b. 12 December 1927 Burlington, Iowa, USA
    American engineer responsible for the development of integrated circuits and the microprocessor chip.
    Noyce was the son of a Congregational minister whose family, after a number of moves, finally settled in Grinnell, some 50 miles (80 km) east of Des Moines, Iowa. Encouraged to follow his interest in science, in his teens he worked as a baby-sitter and mower of lawns to earn money for his hobby. One of his clients was Professor of Physics at Grinnell College, where Noyce enrolled to study mathematics and physics and eventually gained a top-grade BA. It was while there that he learned of the invention of the transistor by the team at Bell Laboratories, which included John Bardeen, a former fellow student of his professor. After taking a PhD in physical electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1953, he joined the Philco Corporation in Philadelphia to work on the development of transistors. Then in January 1956 he accepted an invitation from William Shockley, another of the Bell transistor team, to join the newly formed Shockley Transistor Company, the first electronic firm to set up shop in Palo Alto, California, in what later became known as "Silicon Valley".
    From the start things at the company did not go well and eventually Noyce and Gordon Moore and six colleagues decided to offer themselves as a complete development team; with the aid of the Fairchild Camera and Instrument Company, the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation was born. It was there that in 1958, contemporaneously with Jack K. Wilby at Texas Instruments, Noyce had the idea for monolithic integration of transistor circuits. Eventually, after extended patent litigation involving study of laboratory notebooks and careful examination of the original claims, priority was assigned to Noyce. The invention was most timely. The Apollo Moon-landing programme announced by President Kennedy in May 1961 called for lightweight sophisticated navigation and control computer systems, which could only be met by the rapid development of the new technology, and Fairchild was well placed to deliver the micrologic chips required by NASA.
    In 1968 the founders sold Fairchild Semicon-ductors to the parent company. Noyce and Moore promptly found new backers and set up the Intel Corporation, primarily to make high-density memory chips. The first product was a 1,024-bit random access memory (1 K RAM) and by 1973 sales had reached $60 million. However, Noyce and Moore had already realized that it was possible to make a complete microcomputer by putting all the logic needed to go with the memory chip(s) on a single integrated circuit (1C) chip in the form of a general purpose central processing unit (CPU). By 1971 they had produced the Intel 4004 microprocessor, which sold for US$200, and within a year the 8008 followed. The personal computer (PC) revolution had begun! Noyce eventually left Intel, but he remained active in microchip technology and subsequently founded Sematech Inc.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Franklin Institute Stuart Ballantine Medal 1966. National Academy of Engineering 1969. National Academy of Science. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Medal of Honour 1978; Cledo Brunetti Award (jointly with Kilby) 1978. Institution of Electrical Engineers Faraday Medal 1979. National Medal of Science 1979. National Medal of Engineering 1987.
    1955, "Base-widening punch-through", Proceedings of the American Physical Society.
    30 July 1959, US patent no. 2,981,877.
    Further Reading
    T.R.Reid, 1985, Microchip: The Story of a Revolution and the Men Who Made It, London: Pan Books.

    Biographical history of technology > Noyce, Robert

  • 13 no

    1. нареч.
    1) нет no, I don't want ≈ нет, не хочу
    2) не no less than whether or no
    3) усил. перед not, nor усиливает отрицание He never stirred from his ground;
    no, not an inch. ≈ Он никогда не покидал своей земли, не сдвигался даже на дюйм.
    2. мест.;
    1) никакой, нет he has no children ≈ у него нет детей
    2) (совсем) не
    3) очень мало;
    почти не
    4) означает запрещение, отсутствие
    5) с отглагольным существительным или герундием означает невозможность ∙ no cross, no crown посл. ≈ без труда нет плода;
    горя бояться, счастья не видать no matterбезразлично, неважно no odds ≈ неважно, не имеет значения no man's land
    3. сущ.
    1) отрицание
    2) отказ, отклонение
    3) мн. голосующие против отрицание, нет - two noes makes a yes два отрицания равны утверждению отказ - he will not take no for an answer он не примет отказа pl голоса против - the noes have it большинство против никакой;
    нет - he has no money у него нет денег - there will be no difficulty никаких трудностей не будет никакой, ни один - no man никто, ни один человек - no man alive никто на свете - no sensible man would say that ни один разумный человек этого не скажет - no one example will suffice никакой отдельно взятый пример сам по себе не убедителен - no one man ни один человек, взятый отдельно - no one man can do this в одиночку это никому не под силу - no two men think alike нет двух людей, мыслящих одинаково, каждый мыслит по-своему - no two ways about it не может быть двух мнений насчет этого;
    другого выхода нет (совсем) не - a question of no great importance вопрос, не имеющий особого значения - he is no fool он (вовсе) не дурак, он совсем не глуп - a teacher of no mean ability талантливый преподаватель - to the no small admiration of the learned readers к немалому восторгу просвещенных читателей - he showed no great skill он не проявил большой ловкости - I have no great regard for him особого уважения он у меня не вызывает - he expressed his opinion in no uncertain terms он недвусмысленно высказал свое мнение - he had no small part in the plan's success он сыграл немаловажную роль в успехе этого плана почти не;
    очень мало - in no time очень быстро;
    в два счета - we finished the work in no time мы не успели оглянуться, как работа была закончена - it's no distance to the post office до почты рукой подать перед названиями профессий, занятий означает несоответствие: - she is no teacher она плохой педагог;
    никакой она не педагог - I am no philosopher я не философ;
    какой из меня философ;
    я не претендую на то, чтобы меня считали философом означает запрещение и т. п.: - No smoking! курить воспрещается! - No parking! Стоянка запрещена - No road проезда нет (дорожный знак) - no trumps! (карточное) без козыря! - no comment мне нечего сказать (формула отказа в интервью) - no opinion воздерживаюсь - no place no date (полиграфия) без указания места и даты (издания) с отглагольным существительным или герундием означает невозможность совершения выраженного ими действия: - there is no getting away from the fact от этого факта не уйти, нельзя закрывать глаза на этот факт - there is no knowing what may happen нельзя знать, что может случиться в сочетаниях: - no other никто иной - no other than никто иной как - no doubt конечно, несомненно - no wonder неудивительно;
    ничего удивительного, что - no hurry не к спеху - by no means никоим образом - no fear( разговорное) конечно, нет;
    (этого) опасаться не приходиться;
    ни в коем случае > no end of smth. очень много чего-л. > we had no end of a good time мы очень веселились, мы отлично провели время > no go тупиковая ситуация;
    отсутствие месячных не;
    нисколько не - no longer уже не;
    больше не - he is no longer in Washington в Вашингтоне его уже нет - I can wait no longer я не могу дольше ждать - no more нечего, ничего больше;
    больше нет;
    уже нет;
    тоже нет - he is no more (возвышенно) его больше нет, он умер - I have no more to say мне больше нечего сказать - no more tea, thank you я больше не хочу чаю, спасибо - no more trifling! довольно шутить! - after this accident he will walk no more после этого несчастного случая он больше не будет ходить /он уже не встанет/ - he is no more able to do it than I am он так же мало способен сделать это, как и я - I can no more sing than play я не только не играю, но и не пою - if you won't go, no more will I если вы не пойдете, то и я не пойду - I went no further than the station дальше станции я не пошел - he is no better yet ему пока( нисколько) не лучше - there were no fewer than fifty people there там было не менее пятидесяти человек - I am glad it is no worse( разговорное) рад, что хуже не вышло > no can do этого я не могу, это невозможно нет - no, thank you нет, спасибо - have you seen him? - No! вы видели его? - Нет! перед not или nor выражает усиление отрицания: - I haven't found better hotels anywhere, no, not even in Switzerland нигде, даже в Швейцарии, я не видел гостиниц лучше - one man could not lift it, no, not half a dozen один человек не мог это поднять, да и шестеро не подняли бы - who spoke no slander, no, nor listened to it! кто не клеветал или не слушал никогда клеветников! в предложениях, содержащий альтернативу: нет - pleasant or no, it is true приятно это или нет, но это правда - whether or no в любом случае;
    так или иначе - you may not like it, but you'll have to do it, whether or no вам, возможно, это не нравится, но так или иначе вам придется это сделать - I am uncertain whether or no to notice some of his previous exploits я не могу решить, обращать или не обращать внимание на некоторые его прежние похождения в грам. знач. междометия означает удивление, возмущение: - he threatened to strike me. - No! он грозился ударить меня. - Не может быть! /Что вы говорите!/ (сокр. от number) номер he is ~ more его нет в живых, он умер;
    he cannot come, no more can I он не может прийти, как и я ~ pron neg. никакой (= not any;
    перед существительным передается обыкн. словом нет) ;
    he has no reason to be offended у него нет (никакой) причины обижаться he is ~ better today сегодня ему (нисколько) не лучше;
    I can wait no longer я не могу дольше ждать ~ pron neg. не (= not a) ;
    he is no fool он неглуп, он не дурак;
    no such thing ничего подобного;
    no doubt несомненно;
    no wonder неудивительно ~ отказ;
    he will not take no for an answer он не примет отказа he is ~ better today сегодня ему (нисколько) не лучше;
    I can wait no longer я не могу дольше ждать ~ less than ни больше, ни меньше как;
    no more нечего, ничего больше;
    нет (больше) ;
    I have no more to say мне нечего больше сказать ~ matter безразлично, неважно;
    no odds неважно, не имеет значения;
    in no time очень быстро, в мгновение ока time: in no ~ необыкновенно быстро, моментально;
    before time слишком рано ~ compromise! никаких компромиссов!;
    no special invitations особых приглашений не будет;
    no trumps! без козыря! ~ cross, ~ crown посл. = без труда нет плода;
    горя бояться, счастья не видать;
    no flies on him его не проведешь;
    no man никто ~ cross, ~ crown посл. = без труда нет плода;
    горя бояться, счастья не видать;
    no flies on him его не проведешь;
    no man никто ~ cross, ~ crown посл. = без труда нет плода;
    горя бояться, счастья не видать;
    no flies on him его не проведешь;
    no man никто ~ less than не менее, чем ~ less than ни больше, ни меньше как;
    no more нечего, ничего больше;
    нет (больше) ;
    I have no more to say мне нечего больше сказать ~ cross, ~ crown посл. = без труда нет плода;
    горя бояться, счастья не видать;
    no flies on him его не проведешь;
    no man никто ~ man's land ист. бесхозная земля ~ man's land воен. "ничья земля", пространство между траншеями противников ~ less than ни больше, ни меньше как;
    no more нечего, ничего больше;
    нет (больше) ;
    I have no more to say мне нечего больше сказать he is ~ more его нет в живых, он умер;
    he cannot come, no more can I он не может прийти, как и я ~ matter безразлично, неважно;
    no odds неважно, не имеет значения;
    in no time очень быстро, в мгновение ока ~ pron neg. означает запрещение, отсутствие;
    no smoking! курить воспрещается! ~ sooner had he arrived than he fell ill едва он успел приехать, как заболел ~ compromise! никаких компромиссов!;
    no special invitations особых приглашений не будет;
    no trumps! без козыря! ~ pron neg. не (= not a) ;
    he is no fool он неглуп, он не дурак;
    no such thing ничего подобного;
    no doubt несомненно;
    no wonder неудивительно ~ compromise! никаких компромиссов!;
    no special invitations особых приглашений не будет;
    no trumps! без козыря! ~ two ways about it другого выхода нет ~ two ways about it не может быть двух мнений насчет этого;
    by no means никоим образом;
    конечно, нет way: no two ways about it об этом не может быть двух мнений;
    to put (smb.) in the way (of smth.) предоставить( кому-л.) случай, дать возможность( сделать что-л.) no two ways about it это неизбежно ~ pron neg. не (= not a) ;
    he is no fool он неглуп, он не дурак;
    no such thing ничего подобного;
    no doubt несомненно;
    no wonder неудивительно wonder: ~ удивление, изумление;
    (it is) no wonder (that) неудивительно (, что) ;
    what a wonder! поразительно! ~ голосующие против;
    the noes have it большинство против there is ~ telling what he is up to никогда не знаешь, что он замышляет ~ pron neg. с отглагольным существительным или герундием означает невозможность: there's no knowing what may happen нельзя знать, что может случиться ~ (pl noes) отрицание;
    two noes make a yes два отрицания равны утверждению ~ end of очень много, множество;
    we had no end of good time мы превосходно провели время

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > no

  • 14 Scott de Martinville, Edouard-Léon

    SUBJECT AREA: Recording
    b. 25 April 1817 Paris, France
    d. 29 April 1879 Paris, France
    French amateur phonetician, who developed a recorder for sound waves.
    He was the descendant of a Scottish family who emigrated to France in 1688. He trained as a printer and later became a proof corrector in printing houses catering predominantly for scientific publishers. He became interested in shorthand systems and eventually turned his interest to making a permanent record of sounds in air. At the time it was already known (Young, Duhamel, Wertheim) to record vibrations of bodies. He made a theoretical study and deposited under sealed wrapper a note in the Académie des Sciences on 26 January 1857. He approached the scientific instrument maker Froment and was able to pay for the manufacture of one instrument due to support from the Société d'Encouragement à l'Industrie Nationale. This funding body obtained a positive report from the physicist Lissajous on 6 January 1858. A new model phonautograph was constructed in collaboration with the leading scientific instrument maker in Paris at the time, Rudolph Koenig, and a contract was signed in 1859. The instrument was a success, and Koenig published a collection of traces in 1864.
    Although the membrane was parallel to the rotating surface, a primitive lever system generated lateral movements of a bristle which scratched curves in a thin layer of lampblack on the rotating surface. The curves were not necessarily representative of the vibrations in the air. Scott did not imagine the need for reproducing a recorded sound; rather, his intention was to obtain a trace that would lend itself to mathematical analysis and visual recognition of sounds. Obviously the latter did not require the same degree of linearity as the former. When Scott learned that similar apparatus had been built independently in the USA, he requested that his sealed wrapper be opened on 15 July 1861 in order to prove his scientific priority. The contract with Koenig left Scott without influence over his instrument, and eventually he became convinced that everyone else, including Edison in the end, had stolen his invention. Towards the end of his life he became interested mainly in the history of printing, and he was involved in the publishing of a series of books about books.
    25 March 1857, amended 29 July 1859, French patent no. 31,470.
    Further Reading
    P.Charbon, 1878, Scott de Martinville, Paris: Hifi Stereo, pp. 199–205 (a good biography produced at the time of the centenary of the Edison phonograph).
    V.J.Philips, 1987, Waveforms, Bristol: Adam Hilger, pp. 45–8 (provides a good account of the importance of his contributions to accurate measurements of temporal phenomena).

    Biographical history of technology > Scott de Martinville, Edouard-Léon

  • 15 Treadgold, Arthur Newton Christian

    b. August 1863 Woolsthorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
    d. 23 March 1951 London, England
    English organizer of the Yukon gold fields in Canada, who introduced hydraulic mining.
    A direct descendant of Sir Isaac Newton, Treadgold worked as a schoolmaster, mostly at Bath College, for eleven years after completing his studies at Oxford University. He gained a reputation as an energetic teacher who devoted much of his work to sport, but he resigned his post and returned to Oxford; here, in 1897, he learned of the gold rush in the Klondike in the Canadian northwest. With a view to making his own fortune, he took a course in geology at the London Geological College and in 1898 set off for Dawson City, in the Yukon Territory. Working as a correspondent for two English newspapers, he studied thoroughly the situation there; he decided to join the stampede, but as a rather sophisticated gold hustler.
    As there were limited water resources for sluicing or dredging, and underground mining methods were too expensive, Treadgold conceived the idea of hydraulic mining. He designed a ditch-and-siphon system for bringing large amounts of water down from the mountains; in 1901, after three years of negotiation with the Canadian government in Ottawa, he obtained permission to set up the Treadgold Concession to cover the water supply to the Klondike mining claims. This enabled him to supply giant water cannons which battered the hillsides, breaking up the gravel which was then sluiced. Massive protests by the individual miners in the Dawson City region, which he had overrun with his system, led to the concession being rescinded in 1904. Two years later, however, Treadgold began again, forming the Yukon Gold Company, initially in partnership with Solomon Guggenheim; he started work on a channel, completed in 1910, to carry water over a distance of 115 km (70 miles) down to Bonanza Creek. In 1919 he founded the Granville Mining Company, which was to give him control of all the gold-mining operations in the southern Klondike region. When he returned to London in the following year, the company began to fail, and in 1920 he went bankrupt with liabilities totalling more than $2 million. After the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation had been formed in 1923, Treadgold returned to the Klondike in 1925 in order to acquire the assets of the operating companies; he gained control and personally supervised the operations. But the company drifted towards disaster, and in 1930 he was dismissed from active management and his shares were cancelled by the courts; he fought for their reinstatement right up until his death.
    Further Reading
    L.Green, 1977, The Gold Hustlers, Anchorage, Alaska (describes this outstanding character and his unusual gold-prospecting career).

    Biographical history of technology > Treadgold, Arthur Newton Christian

  • 16 pass

    1. I
    1) see people (a procession, a motorcade, the marching soldiers, etc.) pass видеть, как проходят люди и т.д.; the road is too narrow for two cars to pass дорога слишком узка, и две машины по ней не разъедутся; let me pass пропустите меня; will you kindly allow me to pass разрешите /дайте/ мне, пожалуйста, пройти; I heard someone passing я слышал, как кто-то прошел мимо
    2) let the remark (the words, the insult, etc.) pass не придавать значения замечанию и т.д., пропускать замечание мимо ушей; I don't like it, but I'll let it pass мне это не нравится, но я не стану обращать внимания /буду смотреть [на это] сквозь пальцы/; he should not have said it, but let it pass ему бы не следовало этого говорить, но бог с ним; we can't let that pass мы не можем этого допустить
    3) time (a fortnight, the day, etc.) passed время и т.д. прошло; а week passed миновала неделя; in the garden I don't notice time passing работая в саду, я не замечаю, как идет время
    4) all things pass нет ничего вечного; kingdoms and nations pass королевства и народы становятся историей; customs pass обычаи уходят в прошлое; the pain (his anger, the passion, etc.) has passed боль и т.д. прошла /утихла/; the crisis has passed кризис миновал
    5) the bill (this measure, the proposition, etc.) will pass этот законопроект и т.д. пройдет /будет принят/; they new tax bill passed and became a law новый проект закона о налогах был утвержден и вступил в силу
    6) it is not very good, but it will pass это не очень хорошо [сделано], но сойдет
    7) of the twenty who took the exam only twelve passed из двадцата сдававших выдержали экзамен только двенадцать
    8) strange things came to pass произошли /случились/ странные вещи; did you see what was passing? вы видели, что происходило /делалось/?
    9) I had very poor cards and decided to pass у меня были очень плохие карты, и я решил пасовать
    2. II
    1) pass in some manner pass quickly (slowly, noisily, etc.) быстро и т.д. проходить или проезжать мимо; pass first (last) проходить первым (последним); pass somewhere pass to and fro двигаться /ходить/ взад и вперед; pass in and out входить и выходить; pass ahead проходить /двигаться/ вперед; pass on продвигаться дальше /вперед/, не останавливаясь
    2) pass in some manner years (days, hours, etc.) pass quickly [by] годы и т.д. быстро летят; pass at some time the time for action had already passed время действовать уже прошло; weeks have passed since then с тех пор прошло много недель
    3) pass in some time the pain (his anger, the passion, her charm, etc.) will soon (gradually, etc.) pass боль и т.д. скоро и т.д. пройдет /исчезнет/
    3. III
    1) pass smth. pass the post office (smb.'s house, the gates, a station, a big truck, the place where it happened, etc.) проходить или проезжать мимо почты и т.д.; pass an ocean (a desert, a frontier, etc.) пересекать океан и т.д.; pass a river переправляться через реку; pass a bridge переходить или переезжать мост; pass the mountains (a range of hills, etc.) перевалить через горы и т.д.; the ship passed the channel пароход миновал канал; we passed our turning мы проехали наш поворот; we passed their car мы обогнали их машину
    2) pass smth. not a word (no sound, no complaint, etc.) passed her lips она не проронила ни слова и т.д.; no food has passed her lips у нее и крошки во рту не было
    3) pass smb. pass the visitors (the delegation, the children, etc.) пропускать посетителей и т.д.
    4) pass smth. pass these pages (this chapter, the preface, this paragraph, etc.) пропускать /опускать/ эти страницы и т.д.
    5) pass smth. pass the salt (the butter, the bread, the mustard, etc.) передавать соль и т.д.; pass bad money распространять фальшивые деньги и т.д.; pass a forged note (a worthless check, etc.) всучить фальшивый /поддельный/ вексель и т.д.; pass the ball передавать /пасовать/ или отбивать мяч || pass the chair сложить с себя обязанности председателя; pass the word передавать приказание
    6) pass smth. pass a quiet night (the worst day of his life, etc.) провести спокойную ночь и т.д.; pass the time проводить время
    7) pass smth. pass a bill (a law, a scheme of arrangement, a resolution, etc.) принять законопроект и т.д.; the new law passed the city council новый закон утвержден /принят/ городским советом
    8) pass smth. pass a test (a written examination, Latin, a subject, etc.) выдерживать [проверочные] испытания и т.д.
    9) pass smb. pass a student пропустить студента (на экзамене); поставить зачет студенту; принять экзамен у студента; pass a group of applicants признать группу претендентов годной; pass a candidate утвердить кандидатуру; I am passing the whole class я ставлю зачет всему классу; the board of censors passed the play (the film, etc.) цензура пропустила эту пьесу и т.д.; pass the censor (the customs, etc.) проходить цензуру и т.д.; he passed his medical coll. он прошел медицинский осмотр
    10) pass smth. pass smb.'s understanding /smb.'s comprehension/ быть выше чьего-л. понимания; pass all bounds переходить все границы, не знать меры /границ/; his strange story passed belief в странную историю, рассказанную им, невозможно было поверить; the splendour of the palace passed anything before or since великолепие дворца затмило все виденное и дотоле и потом
    4. IV
    1) pass smth., smb. at some time pass the bank (the office, etc.) every day ежедневно проходить мимо банка и т.д.; have we passed the station yet? мы уже проехали станцию?; pass smb. just now только что встретить или пройти мимо кого-л.; pass smth. in some manner pass the dangerous section of the road successfully благополучно миновать опасный участок дороги
    2) pass smb. somewhere pass smb. in впускать кого-л.; pass smb. out выпускать кого-л.
    3) pass smth. somewhere pass a year abroad (the day at home, etc.) провести год за границей и т.д.; pass smth. in some manner pass a few hours profitably с пользой провести несколько часик; how shall we pass the time (the evening, etc.)? как нам провести /скоротать/ время и т.д.?
    4) pass smth. in some manner pass a resolution unanimously единогласно принять резолюцию; pass a bill (a law, etc.) on the second vote принять закон и т.д. при повторном голосовании
    5. V
    pass smb. smth. pass him the salt (your neighbour this book, me the water, her the letter, etc.) передайте ему соль и т.д.
    6. VIII
    pass smth. doing smth. pass most of his time (days, many hours, etc.) fishing (painting, talking, etc.) проводить большую часть времени и т.д. за рыбной ловлей и т.д.
    7. X
    pass in some state usually in the negative his remark (the fact, etc.) passed unnoticed /unobserved/ (unmentioned, etc.) его замечание и т.д. осталось незамеченным и т.д.
    8. XI
    1) be passed somewhere all the people were passed over the river всех [людей] переправили через реку; the old coin was passed around the room for everyone to see старинная монета обошла всех в комнате, и все могли ее рассмотреть
    2) be passed by smb. the play (the film, etc.) was passed by the censor пьеса и т.д. прошла цензуру; be passed as smth. he passed as A on his physical examination при медицинском освидетельствовании он получил группу А
    9. XVI
    1) pass by (between, across, over, under, etc.) smth., smb. pass by the door (by the shop, by me, etc.) проходить мимо двери и т.д.; pass between smb., smth. проходить между кем-л., чем-л.; the road passes near the lake дорога проходит недалеко от озера; he passed into the room он прошел в комнату; the poison has passed into his system яд проник в [его] организм; pass across the street (across the bridge, across the field, etc.) переходить /пересекать/ улицу и т.д.; pass along the street (along the beach, etc.) идти /проходить/ по улице и т.д.; the current is passing along the wire ток проходит /идет/ по проводам; pass over an obstacle /over a hurdle/ брать препятствие; the cloud passed over the river туча прошла над рекой; pass under the arch of a bridge (under the building, under the river, etc.) проходить под сводом моста и т.д.; pass through all Europe (through the whole country, through a village, through the garden, through the canal, etc.) проходить через всю Европу и т.д.; а line passes through a given point линия проходит через данную точку; we were passing through the forest мы проезжали через лес, мы ехали лесом; pass out of /beyond, from/ smth. pass out of (beyond the bounds of) sight /from smb.'s view/ скрыться из виду, оказаться вне пределов /за пределами/ видимости; pass out of (beyond the bounds of) hearing выйти за пределы /оказаться за пределами/ слышимости; pass beyond the bounds of gravity выйти за пределы /оказаться вне пределов/ земного притяжения, преодолеть земное притяжение; he passed beyond the bounds of law закон на него более не распространялся; pass from smb. to smb. pass from person to person (from one boy to another, etc.) переходить от человека к человеку и т.д.; the letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it письмо переходило из рук в руки, пока все не прочли его; pass from smth. to smth. pass from one place to another (from one subject to another, etc.) переходить с места на место и т.д.; pass from house to house (from hand to hand, etc.) переходить из дома в дом и т.д.; pass from mouth to mouth переходить из уст в уста; pass between smb. many letters passed between them они написали друг другу множество писем, они обменялись многочисленными посланиями
    2) pass across (over, etc.) smth. a blush passed across her face у нее вспыхнуло лицо; а change passed over his face у него изменилось выражение лица; а smile passed over her lips на ее лице промелькнула улыбка; an idea thought/ passed through my mind у меня в голове промелькнула мысль
    3) pass over smth. pass over smb.'s rudeness (over smb.'s conduct, over smb.'s offence, over smb.'s neglect, etc.) спускать кому-л. грубость и т.д.; pass over smb.'s faults закрывать глаза на чьи-л. недостатки; my advice passed entirely over his head он пропустил мимо ушей мой совет, не обратил никакого внимания на мой совет; he passed over the details он опустил подробности, он пренебрег подробностями; just pass over the first part of his letter опустите /пропустите, не читайте/ начало его письма
    4) pass to smb., smth. pass to his heir (to a member of the same family, to other hands, to his children, etc.) переходить [во владение] к его наследнику и т.д.; pass from smb. to smb. the title to the house passed from father to son право на владение домом /на дом/ перешло от отца к сыну; pass to smth. pass ing to the next point /item/ переходя к следующему вопросу; pass into (out of) smth. pass into smb.'s hands (into smb.'s possession, etc.) переходить в чьи-л. руки и т.д.; he didn't want the estate to pass out of his hands он не хотел, чтобы имение перешло в другие руки
    5) pass into (out of /from/) smth. pass into steam (into liquid, etc.) переходить /превращаться/ в пар и т.д.; pass into law (into an axiom, etc.) становиться законом и т.д.; pass into history становиться достоянием истории; pass into a proverb становиться поговоркой, превращаться в поговорку; days passed into weeks дни складывались в недели; pass into nothingness превращаться в ничто, исчезать; pass into general use (into circulation, into a new phase, etc.) переходить в общее пользование и т.д.; pass into disuse выйти из употребления; pass into silence замолчать, смолкнуть; pass into oblivion быть преданным забвению, кануть в вечность; pass out of fashion /out of style/ (out of current use, etc.) выйти из моды и т.д.; pass out of existence прекратить существование; the book passed out of print весь тираж книги распродан /разошелся/; pass from /out of/ memory /from smb.'s mind/ (по)забыться, улетучиться из памяти; pass from one state to another переходить из одного состояния в другое; pass from smth., to smth. pass from words to blows (from thought to action, from rage to despair, etc.) переходить от брани к драке и т.д.; pass from triumph to triumph идти от триумфа и триумфу: the weather passed suddenly from cold to hot холод неожиданно сменился жарой
    6) pass through smth. pass through many trials (through hard times, through a terrible experience, through many changes, through various adventures, etc.) пережить много испытаний и т.д., пройти через многочисленные испытания и т.д., we have passed through Ibis crisis мы пережили этот кризис; this book has passed through many editions эта книга выдержала много изданий
    7) pass in smth. pass in an examination выдержать /сдать/ экзамен; he didn't pass in geography он не сдал географию; pass without smth. he passed without a hitch он прошел гладко /без сучка без задоринки/ (на экзамене)
    8) pass between smb. nothing passed between them между ними ничего не произошло; sharp words passed between them между ними произошла ссора, они поссорились /поругались/
    9) pass for smb., smth. pass for a great scholar (for a learned man. for a liberal, for a hero, for a rich man, etc.) считаться /слыть/ большим ученым и т.д.; they could have passed for sisters их можно было принять за сестер; it might pass for silk это может сойти за шелк; it passes for slang это считается жаргоном; pass under the пате of... pass under the name of Black быть известным под фамилией Блэк
    10) pass (up)on smb., smth. pass on each contestant оценить каждого участника состязания, дать оценку каждому участнику состязания; pass on the authenticity of the drawing вынести суждение /высказать мнение/ по поводу того, является ли рисунок подлинником; the court dismissed the case without passing upon it суд отклонил иск без разбирательства дела
    10. XX1
    pass as smth. pass as an ancient relic (as relics from Pompeii, as an authentic text, as a first edition, etc.) сойти за древнюю реликвию и т.д.
    11. XXI1
    1) pass smb., smth. in (on, etc.) smth. pass the man in the street (each other on the road, the girl on the stairs, a village on one's way, etc.) пройти мимо этого человека на улице и т.д.
    2) pass smth. across (over, around, etc.) smth. pass one's hand across one's forehead (across one's eyes, etc.) провести рукой по лбу и т.д., pass a sponge over the blackboard (a cloth over the table, etc.) провести губкой по доске и т.д., стереть губкой с доски и т.д.; pass a rope around /about/ the waist for support обвязаться веревкой для страховки; pass a rope round the barrel (round the box, etc.) обвязать бочку и т.д. веревкой; pass a rope round smb.'s neck накинуть петлю на чью-л. шею || pass one's eye over smth. взглянуть на что-л.; will you, please, pass your eye over this note? взгляните, пожалуйста, на эту записку; pass smth. through smth. pass a rope through a hole (a string through a ring, etc.) пропустить /протянуть/ канат через отверстие и т.д.; pass a thread through a needle вдеть нитку в иголку; pass smth. through a fine sieve просеять что-л. через тонкое сито; pass smth. between smth. pass one's hand between the bars просунуть руку через решетку
    3) pass smb. through smth. we'll pass them through this gate мы их пропустим в эти ворота; they passed me through the customs меня подвергли таможенному досмотру
    4) pass smth. to smb. pass a glass (the mustard, the salt, etc.) to your neighbour (to me, etc.) передавать стакан и т.д. соседу и т.д.; pass smth. (a)round (over, etc.) smth. pass the pie (the bottle, the tea, etc.) (a)round the table обносить всех сидящих за столом пирогом и т.д.; he passed her letter over my head он передал ее письмо у меня над головой; pass smth. from smth. pass a book from the shelf подать книгу с полки; pass a ring from hand to hand передавать кольцо из рук в руки; pass with. out of smth. pass a suitcase out of a window передать чемодан через окне; pass smth. over smth. pass rumours (gossip, the news, etc.) all over the village распространять /разносить/слухи и т.д. по всей деревне
    5) pass time in some place pass the winter in the south проводить зиму на Юге; pass time in smth. pass one's time in idleness жить в безделье /в праздности/; pass time with smb. pass a week (a few days, etc.) with the children (with him, etc.) провести неделю и т.д. с детьми и т.д.
    6) pass smth. through smth. pass a resolution (a measure, a bill, etc.) through a committee (through Senate, etc.) провести резолюцию и т.д. через комитет и т.д.
    7) pass smth. on smb. pass sentence /judgement/ on a criminal (on guilty persons, etc.) выносить приговор преступнику и т.д.; pass smth. on smth. pass criticism /remarks/ on smb.'s paper делать критические замечания по чьей-л. работе; I can't pass an opinion on your work without seeing it я не видел вашей работы и не могу высказать мнения о ней
    12. XXII
    1) pass smth., smb. without doing smth. pass the town (the place, the spot, etc.) without stopping проехать через город и не остановиться /не задержаться/ [в нем]; pass her without noticing (without looking, etc.) пройти мимо нее, не обратив [на нее] внимания и т.д.; pass him without smiling пройти мимо него без улыбки; pass them without saying "hello" пройти мимо них, не поздоровавшись
    2) pass smth. in doing smth. pass one's time in reading (in painting, etc.) проводить время за чтением и т.д.
    13. XXIV2
    the doctor passed him as fit врач признал его годным
    14. XXIV3
    pass smth. as being of some quality pass accounts as correct признать счета правильными

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > pass

  • 17 Dunne, John William

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 2 December 1875 Co. Kildare, Ireland
    d. 24 August 1949 Oxfordshire, England
    Irish inventor who pioneered tailless aircraft designed to be inherently stable.
    After serving in the British Army during the Boer War. Dunne returned home convinced that aeroplanes would be more suitable than balloons for reconnaissance work. He built models to test his ideas for a tailless design based on the winged seed of a Javanese climbing plant. In 1906 Dunne joined the staff of the Balloon Factory at Farnborough, where the Superintendent, Colonel J.E.Capper, was also interested in manned kites and aeroplanes. Since 1904 the colourful American "Colonel" S.F. Cody had been experimenting at Farnborough with manned kites, and in 1908 his "British Army Dirigible No. 1" made the first powered flight in Britain. Dunne's first swept-wing tailless glider was ready to fly in the spring of 1907, but it was deemed to be a military secret and flying it at Farnborough would be too public. Dunne, Colonel Capper and a team of army engineers took the glider to a remote site at Blair Atholl in Scotland for its test flights. It was not a great success, although it attracted snoopers, with the result that it was camouflaged. Powered versions made short hops in 1908, but then the War Office withdrew its support. Dunne and his associates set up a syndicate to continue the development of a new tailless aeroplane, the D 5; this was built by Short Brothers (see Short, Hugh Oswald) and flew successfully in 1910. It had combined elevators and ailerons on the wing tips (or elevons as they are now called when fitted to modern delta-winged aircraft). In 1913 an improved version of the D 5 was demonstrated in France, where the pilot left his cockpit and walked along the wing in flight. Dunne had proved his point and designed a stable aircraft, but his health was suffering and he retired. During the First World War, however, it was soon learned that military aircraft needed to be manoeuvrable rather than stable.
    1913, "The theory of the Dunne aeroplane", Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society (April).
    After he left aviation, Dunne became well known for his writings on the nature of the universe and the interpretation of dreams. His best known-work was An Experiment
    With Time (1927; and reprints).
    Further Reading
    P.B.Walker, 1971, Early Aviation at Farnborough, Vol. I, London; 1974, Vol. II (provides a detailed account of Dunne's early work; Vol. II is the more relevant).
    P.Lewis, 1962, British Air craft 1809–1914, London (for details of Dunne's aircraft).

    Biographical history of technology > Dunne, John William

  • 18 Tennant, Charles

    b. 3 May 1768 Ochiltree, Ayrshire, Scotland
    d. 1 October 1838 Glasgow, Scotland
    Scottish inventor of bleaching powder.
    After education at the local school, Tennant went to Kilbachan to learn the manufacture of silk. He then went on to Wellmeadow, where he acquired a knowledge of the old bleaching process, which enabled him to establish his own bleachfield at Darnly. The process consisted of boiling the fabric in weak alkali and then laying it flat on the ground to expose it to sun and air for several months. This process, expensive in time and space, would have formed an intolerable bottleneck in the rapidly expanding textile industry, but a new method was on the way. The French chemist Berthollet demonstrated in 1786 the use of chlorine as a bleaching agent and James Watt learned of this while on a visit to Paris. On his return to Glasgow, Watt passed details of the new process on to Tennant, who set about devising his own version of it. First he obtained a bleaching liquor by passing chlorine through a stirred mixture of lime and water. He was granted a patent for this process in 1798, but it was promptly infringed by bleachers in Lancashire. Tennant's efforts to enforce the patent were unsuccessful as it was alleged that others had employed a similar process some years previously. Nevertheless, the Lancashire bleachers had the good grace to present Tennant with a service of plate in recognition of the benefits he had brought to the industry.
    In 1799 Tennant improved on his process by substituting dry slaked lime for the liquid, to form bleaching powder. This was patented the same year and proved to be a vital element in the advance of the textile industry. The following year, Tennant established his chemical plant at St Roll ox, outside Glasgow, to manufacture bleaching powder and alkali substances. The plant prospered and became for a time the largest chemical works in Europe.
    Further Reading
    L.F.Haber, 1958, The Chemical Industry During the Nineteenth Century, London: Oxford University Press.
    F.S.Taylor, 1957, A History of Industrial Chemistry, London: Heinemann.
    Walker, 1862, Memoirs of Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain Living in 1807– 1808, London, p. 186.

    Biographical history of technology > Tennant, Charles

  • 19 the Crescent

    сущ., собст.; SK, DT 5
    также the Rim, the (Grand) Crescent, the borderlands
    Область в пограничье между Крайним Миром и Тандерклепом, где вдоль реки Уайе располагались поселения, первым словом в названьях которых стояло слово Калья.

    Residents of the Calla realized that children birthed in twos were the exception rather than the rule in other parts of the world and at other times in the past, but in their area of the Grand Crescent it was the singletons, like the Jaffordses’ Aaron, who were the rarities. — Жители Кальи понимали, что рождение близнецов скорее, исключение, чем правило в других частях мира и в прошлом, но в их местах, на Великой Дуге, исключением являлись дети, рождающиеся по одному, вроде Аарона Джеффордса. (ТБ 5)

    but being only nineteen and living way out here on what some call the Rim and others call the Crescent, there’s plenty he’s never seen before. — … но ему всего лишь девятнадцать, всю жизнь он провел на Краю, или на Дуге, как называют эти места, так что не видел многого. (ТБ 5)

    They were on their own. Even long ago, when the Inner Baronies had glowed with light and order, they would have seen precious little sign of that bright-life out here. These were the borderlands, and life here had always been strange. — Они жили сами по себе. Даже в далеком прошлом, когда во Внутренних феодах царили свет и порядок, здесь они мало что-то видели от той светлой жизни. Эта область была пограничьем, и жизнь здесь всегда была чуточку странной. (ТБ 5)

    … and yet Eddie learned a great deal from Jaffords and his wife, mostly about how life was lived out here in what Tian and Zalia called “the borderlands.” — однако Эдди узнал много интересного от Джеффордса и его жены, в основном о том, как жили в краю, который Тиан и Залия называли Пограничьем. (ТБ 5)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > the Crescent

  • 20 the Grand Crescent

    сущ., собст.; SK, DT 5
    также the Rim, the (Grand) Crescent, the borderlands
    Область в пограничье между Крайним Миром и Тандерклепом, где вдоль реки Уайе располагались поселения, первым словом в названьях которых стояло слово Калья.

    Residents of the Calla realized that children birthed in twos were the exception rather than the rule in other parts of the world and at other times in the past, but in their area of the Grand Crescent it was the singletons, like the Jaffordses’ Aaron, who were the rarities. — Жители Кальи понимали, что рождение близнецов скорее, исключение, чем правило в других частях мира и в прошлом, но в их местах, на Великой Дуге, исключением являлись дети, рождающиеся по одному, вроде Аарона Джеффордса. (ТБ 5)

    but being only nineteen and living way out here on what some call the Rim and others call the Crescent, there’s plenty he’s never seen before. — … но ему всего лишь девятнадцать, всю жизнь он провел на Краю, или на Дуге, как называют эти места, так что не видел многого. (ТБ 5)

    They were on their own. Even long ago, when the Inner Baronies had glowed with light and order, they would have seen precious little sign of that bright-life out here. These were the borderlands, and life here had always been strange. — Они жили сами по себе. Даже в далеком прошлом, когда во Внутренних феодах царили свет и порядок, здесь они мало что-то видели от той светлой жизни. Эта область была пограничьем, и жизнь здесь всегда была чуточку странной. (ТБ 5)

    … and yet Eddie learned a great deal from Jaffords and his wife, mostly about how life was lived out here in what Tian and Zalia called “the borderlands.” — однако Эдди узнал много интересного от Джеффордса и его жены, в основном о том, как жили в краю, который Тиан и Залия называли Пограничьем. (ТБ 5)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > the Grand Crescent

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